Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Reflective Journaling

I've been extremely late in writing anything into my reflective journal, which is, I think, a reflection no how difficult I am finding it to think about DLP while the semester's teaching activities are in full swing. There seems to be a million things to do, all important, but only time to do some of them. Even as I write this I am aware that in a few minutes I have to leave to move onto something else. I figure I'll write a bit and add another post later.

I put some time in a number of weeks ago to preparing the timetable for my research. It's safe to say that the timetable is now little more than a representation of hope, rather than a realistic outline of what I can do or when I can do it. I need to get on to interviewing people. A start is to make a list of faculty staff to speak with, and to collect some unit outlines.

A good thing that has come out of this so far is that the project is very well aligned with the Faculty's need to respond to student unit satisfaction surveys (USS). One of the faculty's weakest areas is in providing feedback to students. As the faculty has been asked to outline how it is responding to the USS data, my project has come up at a very opportune time. This is good for the Faculty, but also for the project, because it means the Faculty will be more interested in this project and its outcomes.